Level Design

First iteration of the placement of backgrounds in our game. The water source is located on the bottom right, the grassy area around the middle, the graveyard on the top right, and the mountain area above that. The water is placed farther away so the player gets the sense of exploring/moving around. The graveyard may be subject to change in terms of its position, but I put it closer to the mountain since the ingredients in the graveyard would help the player craft specific potions beneficial to them in defeating the monsters on the mountain, where the final boss will be. There will be changes to the ingredient placements so they match the environment they should be in (scutes near the water, ice cubes on the mountain, bones in the graveyard, etc.)

Final iteration of our game's prototype design. The ingredients and enemies that correspond with their environment (water, grass, graveyard, mountain) have been placed onto the map. Nevin placed the ingredients and enemies, and Brooklyn and Christine both worked on placing the background art (gravestone, fence, tree, bush, river, rock, mountain, graveyard, grassland art). The final boss slug is located at the farthest mountain, so that the player has time to still collect ingredients and craft potions in preparation on the mountain preceding it.

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